Chihuahua World

A Great Blog about Chihuahuas

Archive for December 20th, 2009

Ridiculous Tales About Chihuahuas : Some Are True!

Posted by bobbyb5156 on December 20, 2009

Because they are far smaller and appear to be so different from the other dog breeds, a number of old other halves tales exist about these tiny animals.

whether it’s Paris Hilton’s comrade Tinkerbell, or Reese Witherspoons adorable pooch Bruiser in “Legally Blonde,” Chihuahuas have hit the massively and everybody wants one : chihuahua breeds . Now before you purchase a Chihuahua, there are fully some things you have to know about this breed, their health and socialization. Chihuahuas must be socialised correctly since they have got a bias to bond only with their owners and already have a predisposition to being snippy with strangers. Appears chihuahuas are carried everywhere and that is part of their appeal, but ensure you put them down and make them walk all alone. When you do not let them walk all alone they can get very uncomfortable out of the arms of their owner and react with aggression to deal with they are uncomfortability. These dogs aren’t great with youngsters unless they were raised with them. Chihuahuas are high strung and have a low toleration. They can be snippy and will bite a kid if incited. This is a really good piece on the subject of
chihuahua mix puppies. Years back, a tale appeared in one of the superstore tabloids announcing a couple who visited Mexico was sold the cross-breed of a rat-dog mix that looked like a Chihuahua. This lead to the regularly repeated and similarly silly story about a couple who vacationed in Mexico and brought home a sewer rat they purchased as a Chihuahua.

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