Chihuahua World

A Great Blog about Chihuahuas

Tips For Raising a Chihuahua.

Posted by bobbyb5156 on July 28, 2010

The tail is medium in length and is carried in the loop over the back or flat but shouldn't be tucked between the legs. They often have quite a bushy tail characteristic of the Pomeranian. When coaching any tiny dog like this you want to recollect that drilling with kindness is best. Be aware, though , the little size that makes them so lovable also brings by itself set of challenges for raising a Chihuahua. They don't have any qualms taking on the biggest dog on the block, and due to this you actually need to keep a tight watch on him.

If your Chihuahua is still a puppy dog, you've got to provide him with a sensible diet. Take note that he has different food needs dependent on his age.

One feeding each day is acceptable after your Chihuahua is a years old. Hard food could be a good choice for your Chi as some dogs of this breed have a difficult time digesting canned food and can develop gut rot as a consequence. Over showering could take away the natural oils from their furs and would also cause dandruff. When giving your Chihuahua his bath, its important that you are careful to avoid getting water into his ears. You need to be careful this doesn't build up as it can become a toughened glob that's virtually impossible to get off and you can hurt your dog when attempting to remove it.
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